OUR Community Dollar Supports Our Community Volunteers!
OUR Community Dollar (OC$) has developed a program to recognize and thank the many community volunteers that keep our communities vibrant.
We have produced 100,000 OC$ currency to thank those who give their time and energy to charities and worthwhile community activities.
How does it work…?
A local charity can apply to OC$ to receive a series of thank you packages that they may award to those who donate their time and energy to that group’s activities. These packages can be individually designed to meet the size and demand of the agency involved. Each thank you package will contain an amount of OC$ currency that can be used at businesses that participate in the OC$ program.
Local businesses can work with our admin team to fund the creation of branded packages. The business can support the project by covering the cost of delivering the produced package of thank you handouts. These packages will be designed to showcase the business brand of the company funding each project.
For example: A local garage or other community business wants to recognize the hard work volunteers do at the local animal shelter or other agency. The business owner will work with the OC$ admin team to create and fund unique package of thank you handouts that will be presented to the receiving agency.
To support this volunteer appreciation program, we invite you, the community-minded business, to support our volunteers by accepting OC$ currency at your place of business. Based on the type and location of your business you may be entitled to one of the limited OC$ Participating Business packages to help you get started.
Please meet with one of our community representatives to see what type of involvement in the OUR Community Dollar Program is best for you. Contact us at [email protected]