OC$ Supporting Business Membership
Designed to support businesses that are not structured to accept a percentage of transactions with local currency. (Realtors, Travel agents, Mortgage Brokers etc.)
Your Yearly Membership provides:
Your Yearly Membership provides:
- Display ad or Business card on the OC$ Business Directory™
- Includes up to three hyperlinks to your business website or social media.
- Includes up to three Directory Search Categories.
- Includes Business Card image and up to three additional images on your listing.
- Access to OC$ events and special updates.
- The We Support Local Business bumper sticker.
- Signage to promote your participation in the OC$ Program.
- The OUR Community Dollar Accepted Here Window Decal.
- Access to post personal items for sale on the OC$ Give & Get Marketplace™.
- Receive 400 OC$ complementary community currency.
Active Member Benefits:
- Access to the Armour Payments alliance for preferred POS rates and fees.