The Friends of OC$ Project
We have launched an exciting project for those who would like to support the growth of the OUR Community Dollar™ Program and provide a hand-up for families and individuals in need.
The concept is simple…
To become a Friend of OC$ you can enroll by contacting our Admin Team. For a one-time fee of $249.00 (plus HST), You will fund 12 OC$ Shopper Memberships (a $360.00 value), These memberships will be gifted to single parents, seniors, students, and others needing some financial support.
These OC$ Memberships can be distributed by local Not-for-Profits to respect the identity of those receiving the gifted memberships. You can have the option of distributing these memberships yourself.
Businesses within our service area can become Friends of OC$ by simply enrolling as an OC$ Merchant or Home-Based Member and then contacting our Admin Team to add the Friends of OC$.
We can also accept individuals who do not have a business to become Friends of OC$. Contact us to learn more.
The Friend of OC$ will receive as well a frameable certificate that they may display as needed. We will also be developing a Friends of OC$ recognition page on our website.
Vibrant communities are built by individuals and businesses that understand the power of supporting our neighbours.
To become a Friend of OC$ email us at [email protected] with 'Friends of OC$' in the subject bar, and we will send you a sign-up details.