Add Listing

Add Business Listing Form

Business Name: *
Description: *
What locations do you serve?: *
Business Categories: If you are a Merchant Member, you can select up to three categories. If you are a Home-Based Business Member, you can select up to two categories.: *

Contact Information

Website (use https:// links - example

Map Location (optional)


    Images: Merchant Members can upload Business card plus up to five images, Supporting Business Members can upload Business card plus up to three images, Home-Based Business Members can upload Business card plus up to two images. Upload your business card as the first image.

    Drop Here Preview Drag & Drop or Select Files Add More Maximum limit for a file is __DT__ Maximum limit for total file size is __DT__ Minimum __DT__ file is required Maximum limit for total file is __DT__ Maximum allowed size per file is __DT__ Maximum total allowed file size is __DT__ Minimum __DT__ file is required Maximum __DT__ files are allowed

    Terms and Conditions:

    Check the box to agree with our Terms and Conditions: *
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    I confirm that I have read and accept the terms and conditions of the OUR Community Dollar™ Program (as posted on ) By continuing, I declare that the information shared is correct to the best of my knowledge. I hereby expressly indemnify and hold harmless 14056787 Canada Inc., (operating as OUR Community Dollar) and its representatives with respect to any loses, damages, or claims resulting from the listing or any other activity in relation to the OUR Community Dollar™ Program involvement. I agree not to use the company’s name, trademarks, including the name, logo, and other Copyright material for purposes outside the participation in the program owned and operated by 14056787 Canada Inc. I acknowledge that I accept the complementary currency issued by 14056787 Canada Inc., (O/A OUR Community Dollar) and agree as a user that I will value the notes by denomination as equal to Canadian Federal notes. I agree that the notes are not to be sold for federal currency and will be acceptable in daily transactions as equal to the Canadian currency. I confirm that I accept that 14056787 Canada Inc., may adjust the terms and conditions of this agreement as needed solely at their discretion. I confirm that OUR Community Dollar may discontinue my yearly listing due to not adhering to these conditions solely at their discretion. I confirm that I can resign from the program by contacting OUR Community Dollar in writing.

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